• Phone+91 8688 800 900
  • Emailinfo@gvipl.in
  • AddressPlot no. 4, Nagarjuna Ikon, 4th Floor Croma Stores, Kondapur Junction, Hyderabad, Telangana
  • Open Hours9 AM to 6 PM
  • Phone+91 8688 800 900
  • Emailinfo@gvipl.in
  • AddressPlot no. 4, Nagarjuna Ikon, 4th Floor Croma Stores, Kondapur Junction, Hyderabad, Telangana
  • Open Hours9 AM to 6 PM




Basic understanding of python

Python 3.x
  • List to tuple
  1. Indexing
  2. Python and Other programming languages
  3. Python Environment
    1. Windows
    2. Linux
    3. Mac os
  4. Python first program
  5. Python Internals
  6. Compilers v/s interpreters
  7. Different interpreters and IDE’s
    1. Interpreters
      1. Python
      2. I python
  • I python Notebook ( Jupyter )
  1. Bpython
  2. Bpython Notebook
  3. Slicing
  4. Packing and unpacking
    • Tuple methods
    1. Dictionary
      1. Dictionary creation
      2. Dict with list values
    • Dict with tuple values
    1. Dict with dict values
    2. Dict with comprehensions
    3. Dictionary methods
    4. Set
      1. Sets creation
      2. Union , union all
    • Intersection
    1. Minus
    2. Set methods
    3. IDE’s
      1. Spyder
      2. Pycharm
    • Vscode
    1. Notepad++
    2. Sublime text
    1. Data types and variables
      1. Object reference
    2. Python Keywords Operators
      1. Relational
      2. Comparison
      3. Statements of python 12.Working with Numerics
    3. Python Escape sequence characters
      1. 16 bit Unicode
      2. 32 bit Unicode
      3. String literals
    4. Working with strings
      1. Indexing
      2. slicing 15.Type Casting
    5. % with positional
    6. {} with index Type Conversion
    7. Conditional Statements
      1. If …
      2. If … .
      3. If …. Else… if .. else …
      4. If … elif…else
      5. Nested Functions
    8. Loops
      1. For ( Finite loop )
      2. While ( Infinite loop ) Python Sequences
    9. List
      1. List creation
      2. Indexing
    • Slicing
    1. list methods


      1. Tuple creation
      2. Tuple to list
    1. Copy
      1. Soft copy
      2. Shallow copy
      3. Deep copy
      4. Copy of elements
      5. Copy of objects
      6. Copy of sub-objects
    1. Working with Functions
      1. Over view of Function
      2. Function creation
      3. Return v/s print
      4. parameters
      5. Arguments
      6. Default arguments
      7. Positional arguments
      8. Keyword arguments
      9. Variables
      10. Local variables
      11. Locals()
      12. Global variables
      13. Globals()
      14. Calling local variables globally
      15. Function object
      16. * , ** , *args , **kwargs
      17. Nested Functions
    1. Working with Python Built-in Functions
      1. Len, max, range, min, sum
    1. Working with Recursions
    2. Working with Exceptions
      1. Try
      2. Except
      3. Else
      4. Finally
      5. Built-in exceptions
      6. User defined exception
        1. Class creation
        2. Class inheritance from Base class
    1. Working with Regular Expressions
      1. Match
    1. Search
    2. Compile
    3. Split
    4. Group
    5. Full match
    6. Sub
    7. Find all
    8. Finditer
    9. escape
    10. Special characters
    11. Working with Modules
      1. Creating modules
      2. Importing module
      3. Access module functions
    1. Working with Files
      1. Creating files
      2. Data migration
      3. Database to files
      4. Csv to database
    1. Working with Databases
      1. Oracle
      2. Postgre
      3. MySQL
      4. SQLite
    1. GUI Programming
      1. Window
      2. Frame
      3. Widgets
    1. User Defined Packages
      1.    init    .py
      2. Sub-packages
      3. Modules
    1. Class
      1. Class attributes
      2. Methods
      3. Special methods
      4. Method object for a class
    1. Oops
      1. Inheritance
        1. Single
        2. Multiline
    • Multiple
    1. Hierarchical
    2. Hybrid


    1. Polymorphism
      1. Method Overloading
        1. pythonlangutil
        2. @overload
        3. @signature
      2. Method Overriding
        1. Super()
    • Operator overloading
    1. Encapsulation
      1. Public attributes
      2. Private attributes
    • Public methods
    1. Special methods
    2. Private methods


    1. Data Abstraction
      1. Abstract class
      2. Abstract methods @class method

    34.@Static method 35.Python stack

    36.Python list comprehension 37.Python Garbage collection

    1. Multithreading
      1. Thread creation
      2. Thread start
      3. Thread join
    1. Multi-Processing
      1. Process creation
      2. Process start
      3. Process join
      4. Sub-Process
    1. Different Python Functions
      1. Enumerate
      2. Lambda
      3. Queue
      4. Deque
      5. Map
      6. Filter
      7. Reduce
      8. Iterator
      9. Yield
      10. Generator
      11. Closures
      12. Decorators
    1. Different Python Modules ( Overview )
      1. os
      2. math
      3. cmd
      4. csv
      5. random
      6. Pandas
      7. Sys
      8. Matplotlib
      9. Datetime
      10. Time